All posts by Ankur Gupta

Verify Colour of Elements using Selenium WebDriver

QA folks need to do Regression Testing as part of their Job. Since doing Regression on daily/weekly basis is cumbersome, we automate the functional flows of our application and these are called FTs (Functional Tests). Apart from executing the FTs, we do manual testing mostly to validate the alignment, font size, colour etc. Since, manually verifying the colour of all controls/elements is a tedious and time-consuming job, we should automate it also. How? We can automate it by using Selenium Webdriver itself. For example, I am taking Java as a language of choice with Selenium... Read More

Page Object Pattern

Before discussing about “Page Object Pattern”, let’s understand what is Test Specification and Test Implementation? There is a difference between Test Specification and Test Implementation Test Specification - What to Test? Test Implementation - How to Test? For Example, Test Specification is “When user enters username and password and clicks the login button, then he is logged in and can see his Dashboard”. This describes a scenario – it’s a specification of what the test should do. However, Test Implementation has to deal with following things: The username field... Read More