Tag Archives: user stories

Agile : Iteration Planning

Epic, Feature, Story. “A goal without a plan is just a wish” — Antoine de Saint-Exupery Agile, It’s all about flexibility in the course of software development phase. But flexibility is not possible without a proper plan in place. Even when we decide the architecture of a software, we often keep in mind that the software stays flexible to any changes in future and therefore design patterns come into picture. There comes Iteration,  a step by step approach. Grab yourself a cup of coffee as we are going to dig deeper into it. Planning plays a vital role in the software development life cycle. It... Read More

Agile : User Stories and Story Points

User stories, something that does not seem relative to software development by name. But in agile if I say you can not proceed without user stories then it is very true. User stories are the heart of agile methodology. Everything revolves around the stories and hence coming up with good balanced stories is battle half won. In agile software development, We have product backlog which is nothing but a list of all possible features required to be built to release the product for mass. A full fledged feature/sub-product is called EPIC and we divide the EPIC into various user... Read More