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Monthly Archives: August 2015

Android Auto Complete with Real time suggestions

In an android app, when we attach an AutoCompleteTextView to display suggestions while a user is typing, we can fetch the list of suggestions in two ways. One way is to store the data in a local database and fetch it using a search query on the search keyword entered by the user. Another way is to fetch list of suggestions in real time, by generating a search url with the search keyword and hitting the web service. In the second approach, we fetch data directly from server, so whenever the list of suggestions changes, it gets reflected immediately in the app. Whereas in the first one, we... Read More

Hackathon 3.0

What happens when productivity, talent and innovation come together, bounded under a time limit?   Answer is “Hackathon”. The word seems all exciting by itself. It means ‘hacking’ and ‘marathon’ combined. And the fun part is, by ‘hacking’, we don’t actually mean performing illegal activities, but to construct a useful piece of software that enhances productivity. So, did we achieve it this time? Yes, this time as well. Every year we conduct Hackathon at Naukri where our entire technology team participates in it. This year we conducted our 3rd Hackathon for... Read More

Google Cloud Messaging and its use for pushing notifications on Android App android mobile app for jobseekers enables users to get notifications anytime anywhere using Google Cloud Messaging or GCM service. In this post we will walk you through the details of GCM. GCM.. What is it? Google Cloud Messaging (GCM 3.0) is a free service that helps developers send messages across multiple platforms: Android, iOS, and Chrome. A server can send messages directly to single devices, groups of devices, or devices subscribed to particular topics. Using this service you can send data to your application whenever new data is available instead of making... Read More

Measuring Non User Initiated Events in Android Apps

We use Google Analytics to measure events like button clicks and generation of notifications etc... in our apps. With the help of this data we get to know how people are using our product, which enables us to identify areas of improvement and maximize the success of product in market.  Post publishing a version of the android app, we saw a spike in both the number of active users and sessions (in Google Analytics). However, at the same time we witnessed a decrease in the screen views/session. On investigating further, we found that since we are logging (in Google Analytics) some events... Read More