Tag Archives: agile

Web and Mobile Implicit Requirements

Requirement analysis is the first and foremost step for planning phase itself. Let us see what wiki says about requirement analysis Requirement analysis in systems engineering and software engineering, encompasses those tasks that go into determining the needs or conditions to meet for a new or altered product or project, taking account of the possibly conflicting requirements of the various stakeholders, analysing, documenting, validating and managing software or system requirements. What?? Hold on, it is very complicated and cumbersome!!  Let’s make it simple, Requirements are the... Read More

Why does Product Backlog Grooming Matter?

Product Backlog grooming is something that we have discovered to be valuable, and it has lead to a more productive sprint-planning meeting. Purpose of backlog grooming is to make improvements to the product backlog by providing input on the current state of upcoming stories. This includes getting clarity, identifying dependencies, risks, assumptions, acceptance criteria which can lead us to estimate & plan better. A Backlog Grooming session should be used for: Detailing out user stories to define “what” and “how” Breaking down user stories that are too big (epics) - it... Read More

Agile : Iteration Planning

Epic, Feature, Story. “A goal without a plan is just a wish” — Antoine de Saint-Exupery Agile, It’s all about flexibility in the course of software development phase. But flexibility is not possible without a proper plan in place. Even when we decide the architecture of a software, we often keep in mind that the software stays flexible to any changes in future and therefore design patterns come into picture. There comes Iteration,  a step by step approach. Grab yourself a cup of coffee as we are going to dig deeper into it. Planning plays a vital role in the software development life cycle. It... Read More

SOS (Scrum of Scrums)

More than 15 scrums teams, lot of dependencies, frequent changes, multiple big projects, Is this not a challenge ? Yes, it is. When multiple teams are working together on a project, there are many cross-team issues and dependencies that need to be resolved. In Naukri, we follow scrum methodology and scrum of scrums is the the technique which we use to solve such problems. What is SOS (Scrum of Scrums) ? A Scrum of Scrums is a group team made up of representatives from each of several other teams. Usually the representatives are the Scrum Masters from each team, although sometimes... Read More

Agile : User Stories and Story Points

User stories, something that does not seem relative to software development by name. But in agile if I say you can not proceed without user stories then it is very true. User stories are the heart of agile methodology. Everything revolves around the stories and hence coming up with good balanced stories is battle half won. In agile software development, We have product backlog which is nothing but a list of all possible features required to be built to release the product for mass. A full fledged feature/sub-product is called EPIC and we divide the EPIC into various user... Read More

Agile : Retrospective

Retrospective : (Dictionary meaning) the action of looking back on or reviewing past events or situations, especially those in one's own life.   Let us start with a very simple example. Say someone is trying to lose weight for last 6 months and nothing works out for her. Then her friend suggests that running 3 miles/day for a month will do the trick. So she started running as suggested. Now should she keep on running for months or observe the results for the activity for last one month?   If your answer lies in second half of the question Welcome to agile Retrospective.   In... Read More

DIPSUM – A start towards adoption of Agile process

One of the big movements we hear about is the adoption of Agile processes for managing projects and daily communications. When you have one project on a white-board - it's fine, but when you have six or seven projects, the white-board approach just doesn't work !! It’s a well-known fact that a lot of time is wasted within organizations during meetings. In order to save time and to increase the level of knowledge transfer and collaboration - many teams, primarily software development teams, are using so called stand-up meetings which is central to most Agile processes. With faster... Read More